REST API: Back-end Portfolio website

The project was from the course Web Development and Fundamentals (Teacher: Jêrome Landré / Location: Jönköping University)

Brief: This project involved the creation of an individual portfolio website using NodeJS, Express, Handlebars, HTML, and CSS. It required implementing administrative functionalities, including a login system with a hard-coded username and password. The website comprises essential pages—home, about, and contact—and incorporates at least three resource types stored in a relational database. The chosen resource types could include blog posts, software projects, guestbook entries, or FAQ entries, each with CRUD operations.

Working Process

To visualize the user interactions, I initiated the project with a UML diagram, outlining primary actions on the website. Ensuring data integrity and security, I utilized an ER diagram to illustrate the relational database structure.

For a tangible representation of the website's functionality, I employed Figma to design a Lo-fi GUI, capturing the essence of different pages and user privileges. The implementation phase focused on CRUD operations, providing seamless interactions and efficient data management within the website. 

A key aspect of the project was adhering to a strict schedule, ensuring timely delivery of high-quality work. Each week, I aligned my work with the lecture content, addressing specific components as my knowledge expanded. This structured approach facilitated a systematic and well-paced development process.

Skill learned

Working on my personal portfolio website was a fantastic learning experience. I not only improved my web development skills but also got better at organizing my work and using new software and technologies.

This project introduced me to some great tech tools. Node.js and Express helped me build a strong server and handle web requests smoothly. I used Handlebars to make the website more interactive, and the Spectre CSS framework made it look good on all screen sizes. I also learned to manage data efficiently using SQLite 3.

In conclusion, this project isn't just about showing off my coding skills. It's about getting better at organising work, managing projects, and using new software and tech tools. It's a foundation in my career journey as a web developer.


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