Ikea Lamp Ad Video Design

The project was from the course Content Design for New Media (Teacher: Stina Freijd / Location: Jönköping University)

Brief: Create a short video promo for an event of your choice, your video should capture the essence of the event or product and engage the audience effectively.

Working Process

In my creative process, I began with a brainstorming session to determine the subject for my video project. Opting for product launching ads, I recognized their effectiveness in engaging audiences. Selecting Ikea lamps as my product, I chose something familiar, affordable, and widely used—an everyday item that resonates with people from all walks of life.

Understanding the essence of Ikea's products, I aimed to convey a relatable vibe for normal, everyday use. The key was to capture the simplicity and accessibility that defines Ikea's brand. Starting with sketching, I designed different video frames, each depicting scenarios of people using the lamp. The central focus was on the moment the light switch is turned on, revealing the warm glow of the lamp, people have life in the light. I incorporated a variety of scenes set to a backdrop of soothing music, syncing with the rhythmic on-and-off sound of the light switch.

Delving into the visual storytelling aspect, I used Final Cut Pro to bring my ideas to life. The video progressed through different scenarios, showcasing the versatility of the Ikea lamp in various everyday situations. When the lamp was off, the screen transitioned to black, emphasizing the impact of the light. The concluding scene delivered the punchline: "Light up moments," encapsulating the essence of the product and its role in enhancing everyday experiences. Through this process, I aimed to create a visually engaging and emotionally resonant video that effectively conveyed the simplicity and warmth of Ikea's lamps.

Skill learned

In the course of developing a promotional video for Ikea lamps, I learned a significant array of skills. At the start, I tried my best to pick a good subject, realizing how effective product launch advertisements can be. My understanding of the Ikea lamp transcended its utilitarian aspects, encompassing considerations of affordability, widespread utility, and everyday resonance. This comprehensive understanding allowed for seamless alignment with the brand's core identity in the video creation process.

During the storyboard and design thinking phase, I found that sketching various video frames allowed me to develop a skill set tuned to visualising and weaving together a coherent narrative. As I delved into visual storytelling, I tried my best to capture the pivotal light switch moment and integrate different usage scenarios into the storyline. This narrative was complemented by a careful interplay of music and on-and-off sounds, aiming to add depth to the visual experience.

In handling video editing with Final Cut Pro, I did my best to ensure a smooth transition from creative concepts to the final product. Throughout the video, I aimed for audience engagement by incorporating visual warmth and sensory elements. The project, in its entirety, concluded with a simple yet resonant branding message - the slogan "Light up moments," aiming to convey the meaningful role of the Ikea lamp in enhancing daily experiences. In essence, this endeavor has allowed me to develop a skill set spanning ideation, product understanding, storytelling, technical proficiency in video editing, intentional audience engagement, and brand communication.


Back-end portfolio website


Self-branding Logo Design